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Build your own Artist

Based on your ways of working, daily life and type of artist you choose its time to start building your artist and respective persona!



Fill in this Artist Pass to show anyone that doesnt believe you that you're in fact a real artist.

Use the instructions below to draw your Artist pass photo



1. Fill in the Art Pass

  1. Draw eyes

  2. Draw a mouth based on your current emotional state

  3. Draw a conversational head piece

  4. Draw an art tool


2. Consider who your audience is...

After reflecting on the type of art you are making in the previous page we want you to consider who you are making it for.

Answer the following questions. This will help you decide what kind of persona to build. Don't forget to hit submit!


Thanks for submitting!

  1. Who are you making it for? What/who is your audience?

  2. Where do you want to display your art? Gallery? Outside? Someone's garden? The fridge? A random bush? 

  3. What do you want to convey? What do you want to tell or not tell your audience?


Record your answers in the box below:


3. Make your own Artist Persona

Thanks for submitting!

After having thought about some chracteristics for your art pass and who your audience is, it is time to start building an artist persona! 

  1. Pick an artist you think most resembles this persona or that you are basing it on 

  2. Pick a general characteristic to describe that persona. Are you the melodramatic one? The romantic painter? The clean cut minimlist?

  3. Give a small description about your persona

Fill out your responses below: 



4. Find out who you really are! Quiz

Click the button below to fill out our very own buzzfeed diagnostic quiz that we made for this occasion! Based on your answers it will generate an artist and characteristic that you are! Remember your results for the next step!


5. What you picked vs. What you got

Post the artist and characteristic you picked and then got based on our diagnostic quiz.

Then reflect on the process:

  • Were the options you picked based on yourself now or what you aspire to be or someone completely different? 

  • Were you surprised by your quiz results? Do they describe you accurately or do they miss the mark completely?

  • How do your results compare with what you initially picked?

  • Based on this process do you feel you have a better understanding of what an artist is?

  • What other ways could you build an artist?


Thanks for submitting!


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